Enriching Student Lives
St. Raymond School is a faith-community founded on Catholic values as revealed through the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, the mission of the Church, and articulated through the Student Learning Expectations. Each child receives a holistic education that begins at home with the parents as the primary educators and reinforced at school where we recognize students as unique and unrepeatable gifts of creation.
St. Raymond School is founded on Catholic values as revealed through the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our faith-community shares in the mission of the Church in endeavoring to further the Reign of God through lives committed to justice, peace, and reconciliation.
Our school affirms, respects, and honors parents as the primary educators of their children. In partnership with them we prepare our students to be full and active members of the Church and society, thoroughly grounded in the principles and practices of faith and morals.
Both curriculum and Student Learning Expectations are designed to reflect a holistic approach to education and to the integration of the “whole person” body, mind, and spirit. The faculty and staff of St. Raymond School are strongly committed to fostering a conscious awareness of each child as “a unique and unrepeatable creation.” Our school outreach program reflects our concern for and solidarity with the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed. Through our faith dedication and witness, we form a faith-community in which “the Christian message, the experience of community–worship, and social concern are integrated and interwoven into the total experience of student, parents, and faculty members.” (National Catholic Directory #9)